
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

WALL STREET JOURNAL "Putting the Squeeze on Doggie Anxiety" features Anxiety Wrap

WALL STREET JOURNAL "Putting the Squeeze on Doggie Anxiety" article features Anxiety Wrap

Here are a few excerpts from today's Wall Street Journal article...

Pressure wraps are like a "therapeutic hug" for the dog, and create a calming effect similar to swaddling a baby, says Susan Sharpe, a dog trainer who invented the Anxiety Wrap, which sells for $36 from Animals Plus LLC, Huntingon, Ind.

Per the article, Dr. Temple Grandin believes dog garments will likely be helpful sometimes, depending on the individual dog and she thinks pressure wraps are a good strategy to try for thunderstorms and other noise stresses.

Read the entire Wall Street Journal article here.